Abstracts for lightning talks
Monday 3:30-4:30
Abdullah Al Helal (Oklahoma State University)
Title: Rational m-fold Sphere Maps
Rumpa Masanta (Indian Institute of Science)
Title: Visibility domains in complex manifolds
Soumya Ganguly (University of California, San Diego)
Title: Classifying 2 dimensional pseudoconvex domains on Stein spaces based on properties of Bergman kernel and metric
Roberto Albesiano (Stony Brook University)
Title: Degeneration techniques in complex geometry
Agniva Chatterjee (Indian Institute of Science)
Title: The Laplace and Leray transforms on some (weakly) convex domains in C^2
Jesse Hulse (Syracuse University)
Title: The Pluricomplex Green Function and the Lempert Function
Tuesday 3:30-4:30
Francis White (University of California, Irvine)
Title: Eigenfunction bounds and microlocal analysis in the complex domain
Anand Chavan (Jagiellonian University)
Title: Isometries in Diamond
Melody Wolff (Syracuse University)
Title: Asymptotics of Fubini Study Currents of Sequences of Line Bundles